
The radiator is the key to wash the wall lamp lifespan

2020-03-21 406

LED wash wall lamp device outdoors often subjected to alternating, snow and rain corrosion, strong wind assault and bad environment such as the sun. Constantly changes of temperature, dust, dirt and moisture always affects the use of LED wash wall lamp life spans. And even poses a lamp shell under the external alternating external influence of temperature and pressure changes, if wash wall lamp manufacturer in producing LED wash wall lamp not skills proficiency, products may appear deformation, damage, burst, etc.

What's that constitute the LED wash wall lamp body appear pressure?

In case of rain or snow when resting time and turn off the lights, LED wash wall lamp body temperature will drop sharply, a sharp drop in temperature can cause the lamp shell internal vacuum attack and even greater pressure to the moment. At this point, the air humidity may through the seal gap quietly into the lamp body condenses into water droplets, once the seal is the lamp of the body drops, and not simply be discharged. Row is not out of the water droplets will for a long time in corrosion of electronic components in the body, the serious influence LED wash wall lamp life spans.


If do not take into account the problem of driver and power supply, high power LED wash wall lamp, an expression of the full length is: "droop", which means that, using the longer the time it is, the less the brightness, until the days be draining out the lamp.

Then let's back to the original problem: high power LED wash wall lamp life spans can be predicted? This problem can't use simple: "can" or "can't" reply, let's demand analysis step by step.

Commonly used white LED lamp bead is made of blue light yellow phosphor to role. The main reason for the droop down:

(1) is the droop blu-ray itself.

(2) the attenuation of phosphor at high temperature. Every brand products affect the temperature of the light failure is different.

Let's extend from repeatedly draw temperature test: wash the wall lamp life spans the key is to drop junction temperature. How to decline the junction temperature? The key is to have a good heat sink. Just in time to wash the LED wall lamp attack of heat to send out.

  文章源自:江門洗墻燈廠家 http://m.cuiyuanze.cn/